Health & Safety / Sustainable Management

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Health & Safety Management Policy
At POSCO GYR-TECH, rooted in a management philosophy of human respect, we recognize safety and health as the company's utmost values across all business management activities. We comply with laws and standards, constructing a safety and health management system. Through this, we create a safe and pleasant working environment for all employees, aiming to prevent accidents and enhance the quality of a healthy life.

To achieve the above, we establish a safety and health management policy based on the following fundamental principles across all company activities and operate a safety and health management system to realize it:
  • - We establish "protection of workers' lives" and "creating a safe work environment" as our company's management policies. We prioritize safety and health over all other values, including production, quality, construction period, and delivery deadlines. We ensure that everyone entering the maintenance work site can work in a safe environment.
  • - We build a safety and health management system that can adhere to industrial safety and health regulations, along with internal regulations and principles. Through continuous education and training, we integrate standards, TBM (Total Behavior Management), and actions to prevent all accidents.
  • - Every employee actively participates in autonomous health management for a safe and healthy work life. Supervisors rigorously manage the health status of their employees.
  • - To prevent accidents and illnesses for all employees and related company staff, we identify hazardous and risk factors in advance and consistently pursue improvements.
June 1, 2023