Health & Safety / Sustainable Management

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Sustainable Management Policy
POSCO GYR-TECH recognizes the environment as a major factor in our management activities, and to realize a sustainable, low-carbon, and eco-friendly economy, we will do the following:
  • - Establish an environmental management system based on ISO14001 and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • - Establish environmental goals and provide the resources necessary to achieve them to continuously improve the environmental system.
  • - Minimize greenhouse gas emissions by expanding the use of clean energy and introducing low-carbon process technologies.
  • - Use natural resources and by-products efficiently to conserve resources and protect the environment from a life-cycle perspective.
  • - Minimize pollutant emissions by applying eco-friendly production processes and optimal prevention technologies.
  • - Periodically check the performance of the environmental system, report to management, and communicate with stakeholders.
January 10, 2023