Ethical Management

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  • Ethical Management
Management and operation of the Code of Ethics
Ethical Practice Standards
Obligation to follow the Code of Ethics
  • 1. Compliance with the Code of Ethics
    • - We must abide by the Code of Ethics as a standard for our behavior and judgement of values.
    • - The Righteous Management Office is responsible for the general management of the Code of Ethics, while management departments of respective areas take responsibility of detailed operation of the Code of Ethics.
    • - We are also capable of setting a separate set of standards for efficient operation of the Code of Ethics.

  • 2. Responsibilities of executives and heads of department
    • - An executive or a head of a department must provide training or consultation constantly so that their team members can fully understand these standards.
    • - An executive or a head of a department must take appropriate precautions to prevent their team members from violating these standards.

  • 3. Obligation to report and secure confidentiality
    • - If you find out about any violation of the Code of Ethics, you must report the case to the Righteous Management Office in the fastest and the most convenient way possible.
    • - If an executive or a head of department receives a report that an employee in his/her team or department has violated the Code of Ethics, he/she must immediately report the case to the Righteous Management Office.
    • - Righteous Management Office may seek to verify the facts as needed about the reported case, and employees involved must readily cooperate with the verification.
    • - Executives and employees must not put the person who reported the case or an informant at a disadvantage or disclose his/her identity.
    • - In case there is a risk that the reporter or an informant may become subject to adverse personnel actions, personnel measures may be taken, such as position change according to his/her desire.
    • - In case an executive or an employee finds out about the report, he/she must keep it confidential. He/she may become subject to disciplinary action if they reveal it.
    • - Standards for reporting of unethical behavior such as receiving bribes from stakeholders and rewards for reporting such behavior will be set separately.

  • 4. Rewards and penalties
    • - The Company can provide reward or appropriate compensation to executives and employees who have contributed in achieving the goal of the Code of Ethics according to relevant regulations.
    • - The Company strictly reprimands executives and employees who have violated the Code of Ethics according to relevant regulations.
    • - The Company may restrict access or trade by executives and employees who have retired by violating the Code of Ethics.

  • 5. Operation of the Ethics Committee
    • - The Company may establish and operate an Ethics Committee to report, deliberate, and decide on important ethical issues. The Committee may set a separate operating standards.

  • 6. Interpretation
    • - If a family member, a relative or a personal acquaintance of an executive or employee has violated the Code of Ethics using his/her name, this is also considered to be an action taken by the executive or the employee.
    • - For things that have not been specified in the Code of Ethics or things that cause dispute over its interpretation, consult the Righteous Management Office and follow their interpretation of the case.

  • 7. Revisions
    • - The Righteous Management Office, when necessary, may revise the Code of Ethics. For cases that a senior auditor deems important, the revision must be made after getting an approval from the CEO.